The Power of Echinacea
A natural alternative for sneeze and sniffle prevention Perhaps you know it for its distinct flower – a pronounced brown central cone, surrounded by delicate purple petals – and its common botanical name, purple coneflower. Or maybe, you know it as a natural remedy to take for protection against the sniffles and sneezes of…
Hemicellulose – A Natural Immune Enhancer?
Plant and Mushroom Blend Provides Gut and Immune Support Hemicellulose isn’t a new thing. In fact, it is as timeless as the plants and fungi that cover the face of our planet. Within plants, much like cellulose, hemicellulose is structural in function. It differs from cellulose in that it is a polysaccharide comprised of…
Study Identifies Widespread Inadequacies of Immune Health Nutrients
Key nutrient shortfalls may increase the risk of infections Ideally, a well-balanced, nutrient-dense diet, including a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, healthy fats, and a balanced selection of proteins can meet all of one’s daily requirements for essential vitamins and minerals, as well as essential fatty acids (EFAs), amino acids,…
Zinc for Immunity and Healthy Aging
Zinc is an essential nutrient for immunity and healthy aging Zinc is a trace mineral that is essential for growth, reproduction, and good health throughout life.[1],[2],[3] It is required for the structure and function of literally thousands of different proteins, including enzymes, transporters, and transcription factors.[4],[5] One of the most important roles of zinc…
Melatonin, Immune Function, and Inflammation
The many levels on which melatonin regulates inflammation and immune function Although we primarily think of melatonin as a regulator of the circadian rhythm and our most primitive protective antioxidant,[1],[2] the role it plays in the body is far more encompassing than this. In addition to regulating the sleep cycle, melatonin impacts reproductive function,[3]…
Vitamin E and Immunity, Part 2 of 2
The role that tocotrienols play in inflammation, immunity, and lung health In addition to the tocopherol members of the vitamin E family, of which α-tocopherol dominates research, α-, β-, Îł- and δ-tocotrienols also exist. Numerous studies suggest that tocotrienols have superior antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. However, they account for less than 5% of vitamin…
Vitamin E and Immunity, Part 1 of 2
The aging immune system and vitamin E Many are familiar with the antioxidant principles of the vitamin E family, and their importance for the protection of cellular membranes and prevention of cholesterol oxidation.[1],[2] Vitamin E also is important for a healthy functioning immune system, and deficiency can play a role in declining immune function,…
The Healing Power of Colostrum
From infants to top-notch athletes to the critically ill, this “first milk” provides immune and gastrointestinal benefits What’s the nutritional superfood almost all of us have had at some time in our life, and new mothers, dairy farmers, and Ob/Gyns know best? It’s colostrum, the first milk that comes at birth. It actually comes…
Keeping Your Immune System On Guard
Six supplements that support healthy immune system function Let’s face it: we are surrounded by a veritable sea of viruses, bacteria, and other infectious agents. What keeps these nasties at bay, in addition to physical barriers such as the skin and mucus secretions, is the immune system. If pathogens happen to gain entry, the…
Molecular Hydrogen and Autoimmune Disease
Multiple clinical studies report improvements in autoimmune disease with hydrogen treatment Although hydrogen (H2) is well known as an alternative fuel, recognized as such in the Energy Policy Act of 1992, only in 2007 did it begin to really make the scene in medicine. Although used for the purpose of preventing decompression sickness in…
Selenium and Immunity
How this trace mineral supports immune system function Winter is just around the corner – is your immune system up to snuff? (Or sniffles!) The seasonality of infectious diseases is well established,[1],[2] as any of us who have suffered from the flu can attest. All nutrients are required in greater quantity during an infection,…
Mushrooms for Whole Immune Support
The profound response of the human immune system to mushrooms Living in the Pacific Northwest, I often find myself staring up at the grey sky, wondering, “What’s good about all this rain?” As my eyes scan my surroundings and take in the lush, green foliage of the region, it doesn’t take long for the…
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