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Category: In The News

In The News

Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Pregnancy

Supplemental DHA may improve fertility Infertility is an increasing problem, especially among women in their 30’s or 40’s.[1],[2] Fortunately, diet and nutrition can help those seeking to become pregnant.[3],[4] Remarkably, a recent study suggests that supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids (“omega-3s”) may improve the chance of natural conception in women aged 30 to 44…

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In The News, Stress and Relaxation

Alcohol and Tylenol Can Be a Deadly Combination

Why taking acetaminophen (paracetamol) for a hangover is a dangerous idea. The over-the-counter pain medication acetaminophen is a surprisingly controversial drug. Sold under the brand name Tylenol in North America and known as paracetamol in other countries, acetaminophen can be taxing to the liver. Acetaminophen is the number one cause of acute liver failure…

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In The News

What’s in That Fast Food?

Hormone-disrupting chemicals are abundant in American fast food New research shows that American fast food contains a significant quantity of endocrine-disrupting chemicals – toxins that throw our hormones out-of-whack. That means burgers, burritos, and chicken nuggets could be in part to blame for America’s health crisis. In this article we’ll take a closer look…

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Healthy Aging, Immune Support, In The News, Stress and Relaxation, Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamin C to Ease the Pain

Nutritional support for acute, chronic, surgical, and cancer-related pain Part 1 in our three-part series on vitamin C, pain, and opioid addiction. What do humans have in common with other primates, bats, and guinea pigs? (No, not a love of cheese!) We cannot make L-gulonolactone oxidase (GLO), the enzyme needed to biosynthesize ascorbate (vitamin…

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GI Health, Immune Support, In The News

Vaccine Efficacy, Part 1 of 2: Can a Healthy Diet Improve It?

The influence of dietary fiber, prebiotics, beta-glucan, and fucoidan Vaccines are one of the greatest successes of modern medicine, helping to protect entire populations against a wide range of infectious diseases.[1] A vaccine works by training the immune system to recognize and combat pathogens, either viruses or bacteria. To do this, certain molecules (antigens)…

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Immune Support, In The News, Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamin D in the News

COVID-19 and Vitamin D Deficiency Vitamin D deficiency is a global health problem that affects more than one billion children and adults worldwide.[1],[2] Vitamin D is essential not only for healthy bones, but also for the body’s defense against infections.[3],[4],[5],[6] Numerous studies have shown that insufficient vitamin D intakes are associated with an enhanced…

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