When More Testosterone Doesn’t Help Erectile Health – Part 1 of 2
The role of vascular health on male sexual function “I’m injecting 150 mg of testosterone cypionate every week. I look muscular. I have lots of energy – so much I actually need to take sleeping pills to wind down at night. So why can’t I get a good erection? What is wrong with me?”…
The Traditional Production of Chios Mastic Gum (Video)
The story behind Chios tears… Chios mastic gum, often simply referred to as “mastiha” or “mastika”, is the resin that comes from the mastica tree, a small evergreen tree native to the Greek island of Chios. The production of Chios mastic gum to this day remains true to the original traditional cultivation practices, and…
Fitting Exercise into Your Day
How to Fit Excercise Into a Busy Schedule Many of us struggle to find time for exercise, yet exercise is crucial for cardiovascular health, weight management, detoxification, and even mental and emotional health. The work day is long, and just fitting in the basics of grocery shopping, laundry, and getting from point A to…
Bile Acids: Beyond Gut Health
The role bile acids play in metabolic and liver health The use of bile therapeutically dates to ancient times. Bile from many different animals, and even humans in the time of battle, have record in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) beginning in the Zhou dynasty from 1046-256 BCE.[1] In TCM, bile acids are used for…
Taking a Month Off Alcohol: What Will a Month Booze-Free Do for You?
A trend growing in popularity takes center stage, with clinical studies backing its benefits Perhaps you’ve seen it proudly announced on social media, “I’m going a month booze-free,” by a friend or acquaintance. Or maybe it has infiltrated your sphere because of news stories on outlets such as NPR, the BBC, Fortune, or the…
Missing Out on the Keto Craze?
Should you hop on the bandwagon? One of the latest diet trends is the “keto” (ketogenic) diet, which has eclipsed Paleo as the hottest diet trend around. Keto diets are touted as helping you lose weight, improve your memory, and live longer. And a slew of businesses are lining up to capitalize on the…
Intermittent Fasting, Part 2 of 2
The clinical data on intermittent fasting, and comparisons with caloric-restriction diets In this two-part series, Dr. Michael Brown, ND, takes a comprehensive look at this popular and trending approach to a healthier lifestyle. In Part I, a look at the different approaches to intermittent fasting and how nighttime eating can adversely affect health. In…
Intermittent Fasting, Part 1 of 2
Different intermittent fasting strategies, and how eating outside of “normal” eating hours can adversely affect health In this two-part series, Dr. Michael Brown, ND, takes a comprehensive look at this popular and trending approach to a healthier lifestyle. In Part I, a look at the different approaches to intermittent fasting and how nighttime eating…
Health Benefits of Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Its use in weight management, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), also known simply as lipoic acid, is a naturally-occurring substance that is an essential cofactor for several enzymes.[1] ALA, synthesized in the body from a medium-chain fatty acid known as octanoic acid,[2] plays a key role in mitochondrial metabolism and energy production.[3],[4]…
Melatonin: Is It Really the Sedative We Think It Is?
Numerous clinical studies suggest otherwise, a look at their findings not related to sleep Since its discovery in 1958,[1] we have learned much about the diverse functions of melatonin in animals, where it serves not only as a circadian rhythm regulator, but also as an antioxidant, immunoregulatory and anti-inflammatory molecule, hormone, metal chelator, and…
Craving Sweets? You Might Be Stressed!
When stress talks louder than the stomach Most people crave sweet or salty foods like cookies, chocolates, or potato chips when under stress, and research offers us an understanding of why.[1] Scientists have discovered receptor sites on taste buds that respond to the hormones cortisol, cortisone and corticosterone, altering our taste perception when we’re…
Gut Microbiota Diversity in the Young and Old
A factor in disease conditions and aging? In recent decades, there has been an explosion of information regarding the role that the human microbiota plays in both health and disease. Projects such as the National Institutes of Health Human Microbiome Project,[1] and similar collaborative efforts in other countries, have focused on the collection of…
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