A Better Diet for Better Sperm Health
Simple ways to improve male fertility If you’re planning to start a family, here’s how to improve your chances of success. About 2/3 of couples succeed in getting pregnant within six months of starting unprotected sex. However, as many as 1 in 6 couples do not become pregnant within a year. Although the focus…
Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Pregnancy
Supplemental DHA may improve fertility Infertility is an increasing problem, especially among women in their 30’s or 40’s.[1],[2] Fortunately, diet and nutrition can help those seeking to become pregnant.[3],[4] Remarkably, a recent study suggests that supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids (“omega-3s”) may improve the chance of natural conception in women aged 30 to 44…
Live Long and Prosper
How a great diet can add years to your life Do you want to live to be 90 or 100? Thanks to advances in medical science, that goal is increasingly within reach. Most of us don’t want to live longer, however, if we are going to be burdened by the diseases of aging –…
Reflux Remedies
Soothing heartburn naturally In last week’s post we described the real cause of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and explored why conventional strategies for managing the condition can come with negative health risks over time. Today we’ll take a look at some simple, natural, remedies for alleviating reflux at its root cause, primarily by (1)…
Nutricosmetics: Nutrients for Beautiful Skin
The scientific effects of hydrolyzed collagen To state the obvious, nearly all of us would like to improve our well-being and appearance, regardless of our age.[1] This universal desire has triggered a continual search for strategies to slow visible aging. First and foremost, great-looking skin is associated with a healthy diet, adequate exercise, sleep,…
Change Your Habits, Change Your Life
The key to success is in the cues As the year comes to a close, people often think about their goals for the year ahead. Eating more healthfully, getting more exercise, and losing weight are at the top of many New Year’s resolutions.[1] A resolution is an intention, which is an important first step…
What’s in That Fast Food?
Hormone-disrupting chemicals are abundant in American fast food New research shows that American fast food contains a significant quantity of endocrine-disrupting chemicals – toxins that throw our hormones out-of-whack. That means burgers, burritos, and chicken nuggets could be in part to blame for America’s health crisis. In this article we’ll take a closer look…
Ways to Ease Inflammation and Depression
Smart lifestyle choices for a happy brain and healthy mood In last week’s post we explored the ways in which inflammation can cause depression. The science shows that we cannot blame genetics alone for depression. That’s a good thing: it means there is a lot we can do to heal our brains. Here are…
The Truth About Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Are vegetarians and vegans really at risk? Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is receiving much attention these days. Vitamin B12 is one of the B vitamins implicated in brain and heart health, and it is one of the vitamins most likely to be deficient in the diets of vegetarians and vegans.[1] The consequences of vitamin B12…
How Vitamin C Can Kick Addiction
The versatile vitamin’s mechanisms of action This article serves as Part 3 in our series on vitamin C, pain, and opioid use disorder. Check out Part 1 to learn about the vitamin’s use in the management of pain. In Part 2 we dive into its potential for easing opioid withdrawal symptoms and drug cravings….
Vitamin C to Ease the Pain
Nutritional support for acute, chronic, surgical, and cancer-related pain Part 1 in our three-part series on vitamin C, pain, and opioid addiction. What do humans have in common with other primates, bats, and guinea pigs? (No, not a love of cheese!) We cannot make L-gulonolactone oxidase (GLO), the enzyme needed to biosynthesize ascorbate (vitamin…
Butyrate: A Postbiotic for Colon Health
How butyrate modulates inflammation and overall health Our gut depends on trillions of bacteria to facilitate digestion, immunity, and many other functions. Until recently, however, the mechanisms by which the microbiome regulates so many aspects of human health have remained elusive. There are at least three nutritional strategies to support the microbiome and overall…
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