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Botanicals, Immune Support, Kids Health

The Power of Echinacea

The Power of Echinacea

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A natural alternative for sneeze and sniffle prevention

Perhaps you know it for its distinct flower – a pronounced brown central cone, surrounded by delicate purple petals – and its common botanical name, purple coneflower. Or maybe, you know it as a natural remedy to take for protection against the sniffles and sneezes of cold and flu season. As a common North American wildflower, Echinacea purpurea undoubtedly has crossed your path at some point, be it on a summer stroll through the prairies of the Midwest, or as a tea or tincture you took when feeling a tingle in the throat or heaviness in your lungs.

Echinacea spp. is one of the earliest botanicals that North American European settlers learned of from the indigenous inhabitants.

Echinacea spp. is one of the earliest botanicals that North American European settlers learned of from the indigenous inhabitants of the region who made use of its aerial parts for ailments ranging from toothache to snakebites to gastrointestinal distress to rheumatism.[1] Research in the early 1900s pointed toward the use of echinacea for pyogenic infections, including treatment of tuberculosis and infections attributed to Staphylococcus and Streptococcus spp.[2]

Fast-forward to 2020, and a world more aware of infectious disease than the majority of us have ever been in our lifetime. In addition to considering the importance of essential vitamins and minerals and how they may impact immune function and infection resistance,[3] certain botanicals such as echinacea also have had increased use simply for what we know them for: prevention of the common, cold-related sniffles and sneezes. In this article, we take a look at the science backing echinacea for the common cold and recurrent respiratory tract infections.

The many forms of echinacea

In addition to Echinacea purpurea, E. pallida and E. angustifolia are common species of echinacea that are used medicinally.[4] Preparations of echinacea can be found that use all the aerial parts (found above the ground), just the flowers, only the roots, or a combination of these fractions. Common extraction techniques include pressing the fresh aerial parts or flowers for their juice, which is then usually dried for inclusion in tablets or capsules, or the use of alcohol to extract a greater portion of the more fat-soluble (lipophilic) substances.

Many compounds found in echinacea contribute to its bioactivity.[5] Alcohol extractions typically contain higher levels of the lipophilic alkylamides and polyacetylenes while the pressed juices or water extracts contain more arabinogalactans and polysaccharides.[4],[6] Although some prefer a traditional alcohol extraction, others have preference for the fresh-pressed juice. Both have been demonstrated to have antiviral activity.[7]

Echinacea and the immune system

As early as 1915, studies demonstrated that the power of echinacea perhaps stemmed from its ability to stimulate immune system function.[1] Observations at that time suggested echinacea increased the phagocytic power of leukocytes.[8] Modern research reinforces these findings, with cell studies showing that echinacea stimulates macrophage production of cytokines and nitric oxide, a typical defensive response to an infectious trigger, also promoting T cell proliferation and enhancing T cell activity.[9],[10],[11],[12] In animals and humans, echinacea preparations have also been shown to increase white blood cell counts.[13],[14],[15]

Although at one time echinacea was ubiquitously referred to as an immunostimulant, we now increasingly find it described as having immunomodulatory activity.

Although at one time echinacea was ubiquitously referred to as an immunostimulant, we now increasingly find it described as having immunomodulatory activity.[16] In addition to the immunostimulatory activity described here and elsewhere,4 preparations of echinacea have been observed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects as well.5,[17],[18] In animals, echinacea has been shown to enhance overall longevity,[19] also increasing survival of immunosuppressed animals in settings of typically lethal bacterial and fungal infections.[20]

Clinical studies with echinacea infographic

Echinacea and the common cold

We see much of the clinical research surrounding echinacea focused on its effects in prevention and/or treatment of the common cold. In a 2006 Cochrane review of echinacea for the treatment or prevention of colds, a significant effect for treatment of cold was seen in nine studies, with a trend seen in one, and no effect seen in six.[21] Two large meta-analysis also found supplementation with echinacea to be of benefit, showing that the likelihood of experiencing cold symptoms was 55% to 58% higher in individuals not taking echinacea and that cold duration was an average of 1.4 days shorter in those taking echinacea.[22],[23]

Echinacea, taken daily for four months, was found to reduce the total number of cold episodes, number of “episode” days, and use of painkillers for treatment of cold symptoms.

In a four-month randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 755 healthy adults, echinacea, taken daily throughout the four-month period, was found to reduce the total number of cold episodes, number of “episode” days, and use of painkillers for treatment of cold symptoms.[24] Echinacea was taken three times daily for the purpose of prevention, and participants were instructed to increase dosing to five times a day with acute symptoms. Noteworthy was the effect echinacea had on recurrent infections, and the study found the preventative effects increased with treatment compliance. Sampling of nasal secretions with the occurrence of symptoms found that echinacea was particularly effective for colds due to enveloped viral infections. This study is of particular interest because echinacea is typically seen as a botanical for acute use – but clearly, it has benefits for prevention when taken regularly for longer periods.

Clinical studies also reflect the effectiveness of echinacea with typical acute use, with high, frequent dosing at the onset of an infection and continued for a short duration thereafter. In one such study, participants were instructed to take echinacea eight times daily on the first day they experienced cold symptoms, and three times daily the six following days.[25] With this protocol, echinacea was shown to decrease total daily symptom scores compared to placebo on all days after day one. Levels of neutrophils were higher in those receiving echinacea than placebo when assessed on days 3 and 8, and at day 8 remained significantly higher than baseline only in the echinacea group. However, the neutrophil oxidative burst capacity, associated with free radical generation, was significantly lower in the group receiving echinacea than placebo at day 8, and, although not significant, the echinacea group had a greater increase in erythrocyte superoxide dismutase activity, suggesting enhanced free radical scavenging.

Echinacea and recurrent respiratory infections

Use of echinacea was shown to reduce the risk of recurrent respiratory infections, with an even greater effect seen in individuals considered to have a higher susceptibility, stress level, or immunological weakness.

A 2015 meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) considered the impact of echinacea on recurrent respiratory tract infections and their complications.[26] Six RTCs (including 2458 individuals) were found that had the methodological quality level necessary for consideration in the analysis; of these, three considered an ethanol extract, two the pressed juice, and one, a glycerol extract. Use of echinacea was shown to reduce the risk of recurrent respiratory infections, with an even greater effect seen in two of the studies in individuals considered to have a higher susceptibility, stress level, or immunological weakness.[24],[27] Complications of pneumonia, otitis media, and tonsillitis/pharyngitis were also approximately halved with echinacea treatment. Of these, the greatest decrease was seen in pneumonia, with the incidence being approximately 65% less in those treated with echinacea.

Echinacea and pediatrics

Echinacea also has been studied in multiple clinical trials focused on a pediatric population, including children as young as one year of age. In one randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of children over the fall/winter period, it was found that, compared to placebo, treatment with echinacea during upper respiratory infections (URIs) significantly reduced the risk of developing a subsequent URI by 28%.[28] Echinacea was not shown to reduce URI duration or severity when taken for treatment of URIs, although the children taking echinacea had significantly fewer URIs compared to the placebo group over the four month observational period.[29]

Children taking echinacea had significantly fewer upper respiratory infections compared to the placebo group.

A study assessing the effectivity of a combination of echinacea, propolis, and vitamin C, administered daily for 12 weeks, found that the preparation significantly reduced the number of illness episodes and days with fever compared to placebo.[30] Another study of echinacea as a monotherapy in children had methodological errors, thus the impact of echinacea on recovery from a URI could not be accurately assessed.[31]

Safety of echinacea

A 2016 review of the safety data of oral echinacea preparations concludes “Altogether, the different evaluated Echinacea preparations are well-tolerated herbal medicines in the management in children and adults alike,” however, does note that caution should be exercised in children with atopy and asthma.[32] In a few placebo-controlled studies surveyed in this review the rates of reporting of mild gastrointestinal symptoms, headache or dizziness, or fatigue was higher in the groups receiving echinacea, but not dramatically so. In one study of children, it was observed that a greater percentage of the 200 children receiving echinacea developed a rash (7%, compared to 2.7% in the placebo group), and there were two occurrences of respiratory stridor leading to the withdrawal of these children from the study.[29] However, in other large studies of pediatric populations, echinacea was well tolerated.[30],[31],[33]

Although many think of echinacea as a therapy for acute or short-term use, there are many studies in which it has been used for longer periods, even in children.[30] No abnormalities have been seen with daily supplementation up to four months’ time, aside from an aversion to its taste.[24],[32]

Seeking a quality echinacea product is paramount, as a 2003 study well elucidates. Of 59 echinacea products surveyed, purchased from retail outlets in Denver, CO, it was found that 10% had no measurable echinacea content, 48% incorrectly identified the species present, and even 57% of the 21 standardized preparations did not contain that which was stated.[34]


Available studies suggest echinacea enhances the immune response in a balanced fashion, offering protection for adults and children alike from the everyday sniffles and sneezes of cold and flu season. As we seek to minimize sick days from work and school due to these common seasonal issues, echinacea may be one to keep handy in the back pocket.

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The information provided is for educational purposes only. Consult your physician or healthcare provider if you have specific questions before instituting any changes in your daily lifestyle including changes in diet, exercise, and supplement use.

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