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Category: Stress and Relaxation

Immune Support, In The News, Stress and Relaxation

Melatonin, Immune Function, and Inflammation

The many levels on which melatonin regulates inflammation and immune function Although we primarily think of melatonin as a regulator of the circadian rhythm and our most primitive protective antioxidant,[1],[2] the role it plays in the body is far more encompassing than this. In addition to regulating the sleep cycle, melatonin impacts reproductive function,[3]…

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Stress and Relaxation

The Promise of NAC for Mental Health and Addiction

Numerous studies support the use of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) for mood disorders and substance use cessation N-acetylcysteine (NAC), well-known for its function as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory,[1],[2] is commonly used in the clinic as a mucolytic,[3],[4] the treatment of choice for acetaminophen overdose,[5] and to help prevent liver damage resulting from acetaminophen and other toxic…

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Healthy Aging, Stress and Relaxation

Glandulars: A Key Therapy in Resolving Fatigue?

Restorative therapies from the animal kingdom for advanced thyroid and adrenal support The many causes of fatigue There’s usually no one “magic bullet” cure for fatigue. This is likely because there is usually no one consistent cause. Fatigue can arise from disrupted sleep patterns, infections, blood sugar imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, allergies, or air pollution….

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