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Category: Stress and Relaxation

Kids Health, Stress and Relaxation

Support for ADHD, Focus, and Mood in Children

Support for ADHD, focus, and mood Whether it’s full-blown attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), or a milder form of neurocognitive irritation, more and more of us are struggling with anxiety, inattention, hyperactivity, behavior issues, learning disabilities, and sleep disturbances. Through targeted nutritional support, however, there is hope for both adults…

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Stress and Relaxation

Stress-Modulating Blends from the Orient and the Ancient

Ancient remedies of Chinese Medicine and from the Celts support relaxation and emotional balance In addition to the popular botanicals and botanically-derived substances like ashwagandha and L-theanine, many other natural agents that support relaxation and healthy sleep exist. Although many people will say they have “tried everything,” substances that are less commonly used in…

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