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Vitamin C for Opioid Addiction

Healthy Aging, Immune Support, In The News, Stress and Relaxation, Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamin C to Ease the Pain

Nutritional support for acute, chronic, surgical, and cancer-related pain Part 1 in our three-part series on vitamin C, pain, and opioid addiction. What do humans have in common with other primates, bats, and guinea pigs? (No, not a love of cheese!) We cannot make L-gulonolactone oxidase (GLO), the enzyme needed to biosynthesize ascorbate (vitamin…

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GI Health

Can Probiotics Soothe IBS?

Evidence supports the use of probiotics for IBS and enhanced quality of life Constipation, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea and other digestive problems are not fun, especially for people who suffer from them frequently. The results of a recent international survey of over 73,000 adults are striking: 40% of participants said they suffered from one or…

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